(Constituted as per Appendix 12 of AICTE Approval Process Handbook 2018-2019)
The Anti Ragging Committee of this institution is hereby reconstituted with the following staff members for the prevention and prohibition of ragging in the institution as per AICTE regulations.
Committee Members
Chairperson :
Sri.Manjusha T T ,Principal
Convener :
Sri.Biju George.I, HOD Automobile Engineering Depaertment
Members :
Sri.Devakumar N, HOD Electronics Engg.
Sub Inspector of Police, Koipuram P S
Smt. Estella R Joseph. Asst. Prof. English
Sunil Kumar R, Demonstrator in Civil
Sri. Rajesh Kumar K R, Physical Education Instructor
Sri. Ullas V S, Lecturer in Automobile Engineering
Sri. Sunil Chandran R N, Trade Instructor in Computer Engineering
Sri. George Varghese, Media Person
Adv. Unni K K. High Court of Kerala(K/419/2003)
Sri. Abdul Hakeem, PTA Vice President
Smt. Animol P, Trade Instructor in Electronics Engineering
Student Members :
Sri.Varun.M,S4 AU
Sri.Zenith Joseph.G, S4 CE
Sri.Sourav P S, S6 CT
Sri.Jayakrishnan, S4 EL