The Establishment of Internal Complaints Committee as per section IV AICTE, regulation 2016 has been set up to prevent and prohibit sexual harassment of woman employees and students, for the redressal of grievances in Technical Institutions with regard to gender issues, begin start-ups for preventing unfair practices against women. The Internal Complaints Committee of this institution is hereby reconstituted with the following staff memmbers to act as a dedicated tast force which cas constantly monitor the existing security arrangements and suggest additional security measures to be put in place.
Committee Members
Presiding Officer :
Smt. Bindu O S, HOD Civil Engineering
Members :
Smt. Estella, Asst. Professor of English
Smt. Shyjila P A, HOD in Charge Computer Engineering
Smt. Remya Gopalakrishnan, Lecturer in Electronics Engineering
Smt. Lekshmipriya, Lecturer in Civil Engineering
Sri. Arun Chand, Lecturer in Automobile Engineering
Smt. Maya Gopinath, Senior Superintendent
Sri. Ganesh M, Tradesman sheetmetal
Smt.Reshma Reghunath, Clerk
Sri. Sabu K Daniel, Internal Auditor PTA
Student Members :
Kum. Amrutha C K, S3 AU
Kum. Swetha Thampi, S3 CT
Kum. Aswathy K S, S5 CE
Kum.Arunima R,S5 ELS